Sustainability Data

Scope of information: Unless otherwise stated, figures are for Dai-ichi Life Holdings

Corporate Governance

Corporate structure Committee governance structure, including auditors, etc.


2021/6 2022/6 2023/6
No. of directors 16 15 15
(No. of external directors) 7
(No. of non-Japanese directors) 1
(No. of female directors) 2
No. of external directors who are independent 7

Auditors and other committee members

2021/6 2022/6 2023/6
No. of auditors and other committee members 5 5 5
(No. who are also external directors) 3 3 3
No. of external directors who are independent 3 3 3

Nominations advisory committee

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Chairperson External director External director External director
No. of committee members 6 6 6
(No. who are internal directors) 2 2 2
(No. who are external directors) 4 4 4

Remuneration advisory committee

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Chairperson External director External director External director
No. of committee members 6 6 6
(No. who are internal directors) 2 2 2
(No. who are external directors) 4 4 4

Composition of executive officers (including directors with other roles)

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
No. of executive officers 34 30 30
(No. of women) 4 3 3
(No. of non-Japanese) 1 2 2
Ratio of women 12% 10% 10%

Total amount of remuneration by directors/audit & supervisory board members category, and the number of recipients (FY2022)

Category Number Total Remuneration
(¥ million)
Directors (excluding Outside Directors) 7 329
Audit & Supervisory Board Members (excluding Outside Directors) 3 97
Outside Directors/Audit & Supervisory Board Members 8 135

Persons with consolidated remuneration (including remuneration for corporate officer posts at main subsidiaries, etc.) of ¥100 million or more (FY2022)

Name Corporate Officer Posts Company Total consolidated remuneration, etc.
(¥ million)
Seiji Inagaki Director The Company 141
Dai-ichi Life
  • *
    The average annual salary of employees of Dai-ichi Life Holdings is JPY 9,722,000, and the CEO's remuneration is 14.50 times this amount.

IR activities

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Financial results briefings 4 4 4 4 4
Management briefings 2 2 2 2 2
Analyst days and briefings 1 0 0 0 0

Interactions with Customers

Consultation service for payment difficulties (Dai-ichi Life)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
No. of inquiries to disputes service 120 93 65 39 40
No. of consultations with external lawyer 12 7 11 3 3
No. of times payment arbitration used 4 6 1 0 1

Customer feedback (Dai-ichi Life)

No. of interactions

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Disputes 34,886 33,025 28,120 30,066 32,760
Breakdown by dispute reason
- - - - -
Taking out insurance policy
9.5% 11.0% 10.8% 12.0% 8.3%
Premium payment
5.9% 6.2% 5.7% 5.4% 4.2%
24.9% 25.1% 24.2% 22.7% 17.8%
Payment of claims and benefits
15.4% 14.1% 13.7% 15.2% 21.0%
44.4% 43.6% 45.6% 44.7% 48.7%
Expressions of thanks 625,185 591,658 460,517 456,263 286,539
Comments or requests 2,040 1,612 1,429 1,494 1,188
Customer satisfaction (individuals)*1 73.5% 76.4% 77.6% 78.0% 78.7%
  • *1
    Introduced a customer satisfaction survey conducted by an external research organization in FY2017. The data coverage rate is 84.14%. In addition, the evaluation is the value of the positive answer occupancy rate.

Payout of claims and benefits (Dai-ichi Life)

x100 million yen

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Payout for death, serious disability, or designated illness, etc. 4,421 4,506 4,626 4,946 5,456
Benefit payout for hospitalization or surgery, etc. 1,328 1,372 1,314 1,459 2,531
Policy maturity payment, annuity, or pension, etc. 9,840 9,633 8,878 9,777 10,414

No. of payments for claims and benefits (Dai-ichi Life)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Payout for death, serious disability, or designated illness, etc. No. of payments 96,824 100,197 100,350 106,275 115,424
No. of payments declined 3,629 3,652 3,392 3,432 3,320
Benefit payout for hospitalization or surgery, etc. No. of payments 1,193,941 1,231,865 1,163,619 1,294,925 2,388,693
No. of payments declined 29,749 28,633 25,922 22,743 23,362
  • *
    Excluding policy maturity and annuity payments, etc.
  • *
    Figures calculated in accordance with The Life Insurance Association of Japan's accounting reference model.


No. of employees (Dai-ichi Life Holdings)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total Male 403 430 433 480 476
Female 231 255 293 321 325
No. of employees 634 685 726 801 801
  • *
    Includes both full-time contract and company staff.

No. of employees (Dai-ichi Life)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total Male 4,446 4,331 4,278 4,139 3,949
Female 50,838 50,963 51,479 48,245 45,163
No. of employees 55,284 55,294 55,757 52,384 49,112
  • *
    Excludes concurrent duties with Dai-ichi Life Holdings. Includes both full-time contract and company staff.

No. of employees (Dai-ichi Frontier Life)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total Male 209 231 243 248 270
Female 176 194 198 220 249
No. of employees 385 425 441 468 519
  • *
    Includes both full-time contract and company staff.

No. of employees (Neo First Life)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total Male 131 144 161 166 340
Female 123 136 140 160 181
No. of employees 254 280 301 326 159
  • *
    Includes both full-time contract and company staff.

No. of employees by region (consolidated basis)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Japan 56,565 56,691 57,228 53,978 51,398
Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) 3,437 3,824 4,118 4,739 5,874
North America 2,936 3,204 3,477 3,579 3,725
Total 62,938 63,719 64,823 62,296 60,997
  • *
    The figures are for the number of staff employed by Dai-ichi Life Group (Dai-ichi Life Holdings and its consolidated subsidiaries, excluding staff that have other concurrent roles with Dai-ichi Life Holdings and staff that have been seconded outside the Group, but including staff that have been seconded to the Group), and do not include executive officers. As part-time and other temporary staff number less than 10%, they are not recorded.

Gender composition (Dai-ichi Life Holdings and three domestic life insurance companies)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Japan No. of employees 56,557 52,211 57,225 53,978 51,303
Male 9% 8% 9% 9% 9.6%
Female 91% 92% 91% 91% 90.4%
  • *
    Includes both full-time contract and company staff.

No. of employees (Dai-ichi Life)

Breakdown of no. of employees*1 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total Life Plan Designers*2 Male 1,171 1,151 1,117 1,071 1,012
Female 43,094 43,250 43,701 40,399 37,592
Back office*3 Male 3,275 3,180 3,161 3,068 2,937
Female 7,744 7,713 7,778 7,846 7,571
Total Male 4,446 4,331 4,278 4,139 3,949
Female 50,838 50,963 51,479 48,245 45,163
Total 55,284 55,294 55,757 52,384 49,112
  • *1
    Equals the number of employees in Japan. As part-time and other temporary staff number less than 10%, they are not recorded.
  • *2
    The number of Total Life Plan Designers employed includes those who have signed an outsourcing contract with the Company and also are registered as life insurance agents, totaling 1,412 as of the end of fiscal 2014, 1,485 for fiscal 2015, 1,585 for fiscal 2016, 1,582 for fiscal 2017, 1,564 for fiscal 2018 and 1,358 for fiscal 2019. Those with assistant duties were 567 at the end of fiscal 2014, 512 for fiscal 2015, and 469 for fiscal 2016, 387 for fiscal 2017, and 317 for fiscal 2018, 245 for fiscal 2019.
  • *3
    Includes both full-time contract and company staff.

Composition of management staff (Dai-ichi Life Holdings and three domestic life insurance companies)

Male Female Percentage female (%) Females in management positions in revenue-generating functions
FY2018 2,633 906 25.6% -
FY2019 Top - 12
- 29.7%
Middle 64
Junior 860
Amount 2,593
FY2020 Top - 17
- 30.8%
Middle 174
Junior 786
Amount 2,582
FY2021 Top - 25
- 32.0%
Middle 228
Junior 796
Amount 2,631
FY2022 Top - 25
- 33.2%
Middle 252
Junior 806
Amount 2,608
  • *1
    Share of women in STEM-related positions is 7.1%.

Employee details (Dai-ichi Life)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
New recruits *1 Total Life Plan Designers 6,417 6,773 4,767 2,979 -


68 55 51 55 -


6,349 6,718 4,716 2,924 -
Back office 264 831 645 466 359
Percentage of open positions filled by internal candidates (internal hires) 100 100 99 95.9 96.4
Mean age Total Life Plan Designers 47 years 3 months 47 years 2 months 47 years 4 months 48 years 2 months -


42 years 4 months 42 years 3 months 42 years 3 months 42 years 3 months -


47 years 5 months 47 years 4 months 47 years 5 months 48 years 4 months 46 years 7 months
Back office 45 years 4 months 45 years 8 months 45 years 11 months 46 years 1 month 48 years 0 month


46 years 7 months 47 years 1 month 47 years 2 months 47 years 8 months 46 years 0 month


44 years 9 months 45 years 1 month 45 years 5 months 45 years 5 months -
Mean years of service Total Life Plan Designers 11 years 2 months 11 years 1 month 11 years 4 months 12 years 0 month -


17 years 5 months 17 years 3 months 17 years 2 months 17 years 4 months 15 years 6 months


10 years 11 months 10 years 11 months 11 years 2 months 11 years 10 months 21 years 11 months
Back office 15 years 3 months 15 years 6 months 14 years 5 months 14 years 10 months 13 years 0 month


20 years 7 months 21 years 0 month 20 years 11 months 21 years 5 months -


12 years 11 months 13 years 3 months 11 years 10 months 12 years 3 months -
Mean monthly remuneration Total Life Plan Designers*2 271 thousand yen 267 thousand yen 292 thousand yen 254 thousand yen 255 thousand yen
Back office 302 thousand yen 302 thousand yen 310 thousand yen 314 thousand yen 318 thousand yen
Employee satisfaction*3 *4 3.62 3.62 3.75 62 63
Absentee rate*5 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.98 1.2
Total employee turnover rate 5.1 4.5 3.8 4.0 3.7
Voluntary employee turnover rate 2.6 2.3 1.1 3.2 3.7
  • *1
    At Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Dai-ichi Frontier Life and Neo First Life, new recruits are assigned to each companies after being hired by Dai-ichi Life.
  • *2
    Due to a change in the aggregation method, figures for FY2019 and beyond have been revised in May 2024.
  • *3
    Employee satisfaction surveys are used as a tool for quantitatively assessing the current situation and effectiveness of initiatives, and to facilitate the resolution of issues.
    Calculation method: Mean score (out of five) of main questions in questionnaire.
  • *4
    The survey method has been changed since FY2021 and is calculated on a 100-point scale. The total engagement score is 63. The percentage of the employee who has top level engagement score is 30.7% and data coverage is 68%.
  • *5
    Number of days not worked for any reason */Total number of days worked.**
    The coverage rate for this data is 84.14%.
    (*) Includes Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year vacations, including both in-house and other positions.
    (**) Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year vacations; in-house positions only.
  • *6
    More than 99.9% of employees are Japanese, and less than 0.1% of employees of other nationalities. The racial composition of managers is similar, with more than 99.9% being Japanese and less than 0.1% of employees of other nationalities.
  • *7
    The percentage of employees under the age of 30 is 12.07%, the percentage of employees aged 30 to 50 is 42.69%, and the percentage of employees aged 51 and over is 45.24%.
  • *8
    The average training time per employee is 4.93 hours. The average training cost per employee is 25, 165 JPY.

Percentage of employees with disabilities (Dai-ichi Life Group)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Percentage of employees with disabilities 2.22% 2.22% 2.22% 2.34% 2.49%
  • *1
    The percentage of employees with disabilities is one in compliance with the statutory rate of disability employment. Percentage of employees as of June 1.

Work/life balance (Dai-ichi Life)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Instances of childcare leave 1,399 1,396 1,455 1,560 1,545
No. of staff on short working hours (for childcare) 481 501 495 491 508
No. of staff receiving benefits to pay for childcare services 3,766 3,827 3,584 3,287 2,901
No. of staff taking nursing leave 217 219 123 197 214
No. of staff using "Family" relocation program 35 42 61 63 59
No. of male staff taking childcare leave 75.6% 79.8% 91.4% 92.3% 100%
Average monthly overtime (back office staff) 5.3 hours 4.8 hours 5.0 hours 5.2 hours 5.4 hours
Average annual days of paid leave 12.7 days 12.8 days 12.3 days 13.6 days 14.7 days
Mean percentage of annual paid leave taken 67.2% 67.7% 64.0% 70.1% 75.4%

Health promotion efforts

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Percentage of people who exercise regularly Male 45.2% 45.8% 53.6% 53.1% 54.6%
Female 31.8% 32.4% 38.0% 35.9% 36.1%
Proportion of people who maintain proper weight Male 69.5% 69.2% 67.8% 68.5% 68.7%
Female 75.3% 74.5% 73.9% 74.4% 74.4%
Percentage of people who smoke Male 28.4% 28.2% 26.2% 25.7% 25.1%
Female 24.6% 23.6% 22.9% 22.0% 21.4%
Number of specific examinations/specific health guidance Male 88.8% 90.3% 91.0% 89.6% 90.5%
Female 71.3% 71.3% 68.8% 65.6% 72.0%
  • *1
    Cumulative total of attendees.
  • *2
    100% coverage of data on the percentage of people who execise regularly.

Engagement with Local Communities

Social Comtribution Expenditure (FY2022)

x thousand yen

Category Amount
Cash contributions 2,187,860
Time: employee volunteering during paid working hours 72,480
Physical payment (product or service) 13,587
Administrative expenses 203,827
Total amount 2,477,754

Awareness-raising and educational work (Dai-ichi Life)

Description FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Health seminars, medical seminars No. of seminars 289 231 75 177 190
No. of attendees 24,414 23,935 4,280 34,716 23,877
Consumer education, financial/insurance literacy (Life Cycle Game II) No. of copies distributed (free of charge) 3,586 4,405 3,588 5,131 10,471
No. of sessions held 167 207 51 308 1,076
No. of attendees 4,062 5,355 2,224 10,371 34,972

Implementation Status of Attracting Nursery Schools (Dai-ichi Life)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Maximum number of children that can be accepted 1,461 1,629 2,748 3,105 3,225
  • *
    The number of daycare centers we have attracted is 52.

Financial and tax reports

The Company discloses the amount of income taxes for each company or region in which it operates. Open a page in modal window.

Human Capital Return on Investment

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
HC ROI* 32 21.9 22.7 29.1
  • *
    ((Total Revenue) - ((Total Operating Expenses) - (Total employee-related expenses))) / (Total employee-related expenses)

Amount of Contributions to Initiatives (FY2022)

Amount of Contributions to Initiatives is shown in the linked table. Open a page in modal window.

Reporting on breaches

Reporting areas Number of breaches in FY2022
Corruption or Bribery 0
Customer Privacy Data 0
Conflicts of Interest 0
Money Laundering or Insider trading 0

Environmental Initiatives

Environmental performance data

CO2 emissions
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Coverage (%) Coverage (%) Coverage (%) Coverage (%)
Scope 1 + Scope 2*5 (t-CO2) 155,300 138,900 100 125,600 100 98,900 100 23,711 100
Scope 1*1,*5 (t-CO2) 12,500 10,800 100 9,600 100 10,700 100 11,024 100
Scope 2 (Location Based)*2,*5 (t-CO2) 142,800 132,600 100 120,000 100 94,500 100 121,379 100
Scope 3*3 (t-CO2) 127,444 125,416 100 105,788 100 247,300 100 341,243 100
Related to the reduction target*4
- 49,730 100 42,202 100 46,600 100 46,597 100
  • *1
    Data coverage in 2018 is 100%.
  • *2
    Scope 2 market-based emissions are as follows
    FY2019:128,100 FY2020:116,000 FY2021:88,200 FY2022:12,687
  • *3
    Dai-ichi life only
  • *4
    A detailed description of the goal can be found here.

Setting new CO2 emission reduction targets (Japanese only) (226KB) PDF

  • *5
    The consolidated emissions data is calculated based on the control approach.

The breakdown of Scope 3 emissions is as follows.

Breakdown of emissions Open a page in modal window.

Emissions related to employee movement
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Coverage (%) Coverage (%) Coverage (%)
Emissions from business-related movements (aviation, railroad, etc.) (t-CO2) 397 92.6 2,355 92.2 7,419 85.2
Energy consumption, Transportation, Specific energy consumption
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Coverage (%) Coverage (%) Coverage (%) Coverage (%)
Electric power consumption (GJ) 927,918 100 841,753 100 1,034,663 100 971,256 100
Fuel consumption (GJ) 222,499 100 189,583 100 214,155 100 224,080 100
Steam and chilled/hot water consumption (GJ) 174,133 100 162,940 100 92,694 100 83,423 100
Transportation (t-km) 1,263,497 73 1,034,612 73.3 1,099,334 72.2 966,108 65.9
Specific energy consumption
Electric power consumption (MWh) 265,154 100 245,304 100 287,406 100 269,793 100
Renewable energy consumption (MWh) 8,577 92 11,611 77.8 95,201 100 249,028 100
Floor space (km2) 2,630 77 2,714 - 2,671 - 2,972 -
Specific energy consumption (MWh/km2) 87 77 82 - 108 - 91 -
Energy consumption
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Coverage (%) Coverage (%) Coverage (%) Coverage (%)
Total non-renewable energy consumption (GJ) 1,417,913 100 1,320,395 91.94 998,787 100 369,339 100
Total renewable energy consumption (GJ) 30,877 75 41,800 91.94 342,725 100 896,501 100
Water, Waste material, Paper
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Coverage (%) Coverage (%) Coverage (%) Coverage (%)
Water use (thousand m3)* 1,405 775 99 628 91.6 733 96 653 83.4
Waste material (t) 714 1,237 91 869 82.4 3,573 83.6 4,067 71.5
Paper consumption (t) 6,474 6,092 87 4,794 99.7 5,425 99.9 4,774 99.5
Paper waste recycled (t) 1,604 1,407 81 1,108 82.4 1,832 83.6 1,951 71.5
Percentage of green procurement (%) 95 95 - 95 - 95 - 95 -
  • *
    Data coverage of water use in 2018 is 95.4%.

Breakdown of waste disposal amount

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Reuse amount / recycling amount (t) 1,407 108 1,832 1,951
Total waste disposed (t) 7,329 5,663 8,999 8,841
Depreciable waste with energy recovery (t) 1,285 1,025 0 0
Waste for which you do not know how to dispose (t) 6,044 4,638 8,999 8,841
Coverage (%) 91.3 82.4 95.6 99.4
CO2 emissions
Scope 1 (t-CO2)
  • Domestic:
    Calculated by applying the coefficient of the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures. Since the coefficients in FY2009 were applied until FY2016 results, we have calculated the previous year's results together with the results of FY2017.
  • International:
    Calculated using each country's emissions coefficient according to the GHG Protocol.
    Emission factors use IEA (Emissions Factors 2022) data and national factors.
Scope 2 (t-CO2)
Scope 3 (t-CO2) Calculated using emission intensity database ver 3.3 for calculating greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through the supply chain
[Category 1] Purchased goods
Office paper usage and printing
[Category 2] Capital goods
Capital assets
[Category 3] Fuel and energy related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2
[Category 4] Transportation and delivery (upstream)
In-house distribution operations
[Category 5] Waste generated in operations
Waste of 3 business offices of headquarters (Hibiya, Toyosu and Shin-Oi)
[Category 6] Business travel
Domestic and overseas
[Category 7] Employee commuting
In-house employees
[Category 12] End-of-life treatment of sold products
Brochures and printed materials for customers
Energy consumption and Specific energy consumption
Electric power consumption (GJ)
  • Domestic:
    provisions of Article 7, Paragraph 3 of the law concerning the rationalization of energy usage (Act on the Rational Use of Energy)
  • International:
    Calculated using each country's emissions coefficient according to the GHG Protocol
    Units of MWh of electric power converted as 3.6 GJ/MWh
    Fuel consumption totalizes kerosene, heavy fuel oil and gas consumption
Fuel consumption (GJ)
Steam and chilled/hot water consumption (GJ)
Transportation (t-km) Calculated based on the law concerning the rationalization of energy usage (Act on the Rational Use of Energy)
The total transportation related to pamphlets, etc. of the Group
Water, Waste material, and Paper
Water use (thousand m3) The scope of reporting is based on Environmental Reporting Guidelines, and calculated based on bills from the waterworks department
Waste material (t) Amount of waste excluding paper waste, as defined in the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Act (waste generated from business sites)
Paper waste recycled (t) The scope of reporting is based on Environmental Reporting Guidelines, and calculated based on purchase system data
Paper consumption (t)
Percentage of green procurement (%) Percentage of purchased items acquired through centralized company purchasing
Common Item
Coverage (%) No. of staff at companies reporting on that item ÷ Total number of staff at Dai-ichi Life Holdings and 25 group companies covered by reporting x 100

GHG emission (Portfolio of listed stocks, corporate bonds, and real estate)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
GHG emission (10,000 tCO2e) 537 472 450
Coverage (%) 75 86 87

Financed Emission Intensity

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
WACI (tCO2e/¥mn)* 1.7 1.38 1.45
Coverage (%) 75 86 87
  • *
    Calculated as a weighted average of the WACI for each asset type (domestic equities, foreign equities, domestic corporate bonds, and foreign corporate bonds), weighted according to the balance of assets under management.

Environmental accounting (Dai-ichi Life)

x 1 million yen

Category*1 Cost*2 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Energy efficiency Capital 783 1,277 582 648 50
Expenditure 9 14 52 115 26
Reduction in resource use Capital 0 0 0 0 0
Expenditure 87 100 75 91 124
Environmental protection Capital 0 0 0 0 0
Expenditure 65 63 99 223 604
Environmental information Capital 0 0 0 0 0
Expenditure 3 17 43 43 41
  • *1
    Categories are taken from the Dai-ichi Life Mid-Term Environmental Action Plan.
  • *2
    Capital investment and some expenditure on reducing resource use apply to Hibiya headquarters, Toyosu headquarters, and Shin-Oi office only.

Economic benefits of environmental protection measures (Dai-ichi Life)

x 1 million yen

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Savings from reduction in electric power consumption*1 394 340 719 -1,289 552
Savings from reduction in paper consumption -26 59 109 -28 -243
  • *1
    Calculated based on average unit price per 1kWh of electricity used

Energy consumption of investment properties

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
No. of buildings 105 103 103 98 95
Electric power consumption (kWh) 45,805,354 43,967,472 43,323,706 41,323,848 38,600,761
Gas consumption (m3) 1,600,987 1,532,044 1,476,817 1,381,134 1,471,986
Hot and cold water consumption (MJ) 30,734,640 28,540,360 26,325,907 27,958,972 19,900,007
CO2 emissions (t-CO2) 22,741 21,768 21,281 20,384 19,132

Actual data on reduction in communal consumption in buildings managed by Dai-ichi Building

The third-party assurance

We have obtained the Independent Assurance from third parties for the following four figures.

  • -
    Percentage of females in management positions
  • -
    Absentee rate
  • -
    Electric power consumption (GJ)
  • -
    Fuel consumption (GJ)
  • -
    Steam and chilled/hot water consumption (GJ)
  • -
    Total waste disposed
  • -
    Industrial waste disposed
  • -
    General waste disposed
  • -
    GHG emissions and WACI

Independent Assurance Statement PDF

Independent Verification of Environmental Data

Independent Verification Report Independent Verification Report Open a page in modal window.

In order to enhance the reliability of its CO2 emissions performance data and water consumption date, The Dai-ichi Life Group have received third-party assurance review from the Japan Quality Assurance Organization for Scope 1 (direct emissions from use of gas fuel), Scope 2 (indirect emissions from use of electricity), Scope 3 (indirect emissions from other business activities) emissions and water consumption, produced in fiscal 2022.