Please see "Group Purpose and Values" for the Dai-ichi Life Group's purpose and values.
Please see "Sustainability" for the Dai-ichi Life Group's sustainability.
Please click here for the Sustainability Report.
Please have a look at the "Financial Soundness" page.
Please see "Compliance" for the Dai-ichi Life Group's compliance initiatives.
Please see "Basic Approach to Corporate Governance" for the Dai-ichi Life Group's corporate governance.
Please see "List of Group Companies" for information about Dai-ichi Life Group companies.
You can learn about the profile of Dai-ichi Life Holdings on Corporate Profile page.
Financial Results
Please see "Financial Highlights" for an overview of the financial results.
Please see "IR Events" for a schedule of Dai-ichi Life Holdings' IR events.
Please see the latest "Summary Report" for financial forecasts.
Dai-ichi Life Holdings' fiscal year ends on March 31 every year.
Stock Information
We have a shareholder special benefit program.
With regard to policyholders who did not receive the shares allocated to policyholders in the securities account, the Company holds the shares in a special account opened at Mizuho Trust & Banking (Japanese only).
However, the shares cannot be sold if they remain in the special account.
When selling shares in a special account, a procedure is required to be taken to transfer the shares in a special account to a trading account opened at a securities company.
Please contact a securities company near you to open a trading accounting at a securities company.
Regarding the transfer procedure, please contact Mizuho Trust & Banking (Japanese only), the special account manager (toll-free within Japan only: 0120-282-324, hours: 9:00 to 17:00, except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays).
Please contact Mizuho Trust & Banking (Japanese only), the shareholder registry manager (toll-free within Japan only: 0120-282-324, hours: 9:00 to 17:00, except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays).
A special account refers to an account created by stock issuers for the purpose of managing shares held by shareholders who do not open securities accounts after introduction of the electronic share certificate system.
The Company has opened a special account at Mizuho Trust & Banking (Japanese only).
If you have an account with a securities company, please notify your securities company.
If you are not sure whether you are a shareholder with a special account or whether the account is a special account, please notify Mizuho Trust & Banking (Japanese only) (toll-free within Japan only: 0120-282-324, hours: 9:00 to 17:00, except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays).
For shareholders with a special account also, shareholder rights, such as the right to receive shareholder dividends and attend general meetings of shareholders, are preserved.
Therefore, shareholders with a special account will be notified in the same manner as shareholders with a securities account.
Dai-ichi Life Holdings is listed on the Prime Market of The Tokyo Stock Exchange.
You will be required to follow the procedure for change
of name, etc. due to inheritance.
Regarding the procedure, shareholders with an account at a securities company should notify that securities company and shareholders with a special account should notify Mizuho Trust & Banking (Japanese only) (toll-free within Japan only: 0120-282-324, hours: 9:00 to 17:00, except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays).
We changed the number of shares in one unit to 100 shares in conjunction with the share split of October 1, 2013.
Regarding shares constituting less than one unit (1 share to 99 shares) resulting from the share split, since the handling of such shares is subject to many restrictions under the current system, such as not being able to be traded on securities markets, the Company purchases (purchase request) shares constituting less than one or has a system whereby shareholders can purchase additional shares so that the shares they hold become one unit (100 shares) (additional purchase (transfer) request).
Regarding the procedure, shareholders with an account at a securities company should notify that securities company and shareholders with a special account should notify Mizuho Trust & Banking (Japanese only), the special account manager (toll-free within Japan only: 0120-282-324, hours: 9:00 to 17:00, except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays).
The ticker code of Dai-ichi Life Holdings is 8750.
EV (Embedded Value) is the sum of "adjusted net worth", which is calculated by making necessary adjustments to total net assets on the balance sheet, and "value of in-force business", which is calculated as prevent value of future after-tax profits on in-force business less present value of cost of capital. EV is one of the indicators that represents corporate value for shareholders.
Under current statutory accounting practices applicable to life insurance companies in Japan, there is a time lag between the sale of policies and recognition of profits. The use of EV allows the contribution of future profit from the new business to be recognized at the time of sale. It therefore serves as a valuable supplement to statutory financial information.
The Dai-ichi Life Group discloses its EV and the published reports are available on "EV Report".
The Company defines one trading unit as 100 shares in conjunction with the adoption of the trading unit system.
The stock trading unit is 100 shares.
- *
Following the approval of the proposal of amendment to the Articles of Incorporation at the annual general meeting of shareholders for the 3rd Fiscal Year of the Company held on June 24, 2013, the Company split one share of its ordinary shares into 100 shares and accordingly amended the number of shares to constitute one unit of the Company's ordinary shares from 1 share to 100 shares, effective on October 1, 2013.
Please see "Shareholder Return" on this website for details.
For each fiscal year, the Company plans to pay an interim dividend by resolution of the Board of Directors with a record date of September 30 of each year and a year-end dividend by resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders with a record date of March 31 of each year, based on an assessment of the annual consolidated business performance and other factors. Dividends will be paid after the respective resolutions.
If you have a securities account, please confirm with your securities company.
If you are not sure whether you are a shareholder with a special account or whether the account is a special account, please notify Mizuho Trust & Banking (Japanese only) (toll-free within Japan only: 0120-282-324, hours: 9:00 to 17:00, except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays).
The following three methods are available for receiving dividends:
- Method of depositing into an account with a financial institution designated by the shareholders
- Method of receiving cash at the counter of the post office or Japan Post Bank in exchange for the dividend receipt to be issued and mailed by the Company
- Method of receiving dividends through an account with a securities company
Shareholders' Meeting
The ordinary general meeting of shareholders is scheduled for late June every year.
Please see "Shareholders' Meeting."
The record date of the general meeting of shareholders is March 31 every year in conformity with the Company's Articles of Incorporation.