Privacy Policy (Handling of Personal Information)

Policy on protection of personal information

To improve management quality, Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc. (hereafter, “the Company”) strives to protect personal information by complying with relevant laws, including laws on the protection of personal information and laws on the use of numbers to identify individuals in administrative procedures.

1. Purpose of using personal information

  • (1)
    Personal information will only be used to the extent necessary for business administration, risk management, and associated tasks, and legal compliance, and not for any other purpose.
  • (2)
    Notwithstanding the above section, personal information, including personal identification numbers (as defined by the law on use of identification numbers), will only be used to the extent necessary for the following business activities and will not be used for any other reason, even with the individual's consent.
    • [1]
      In the case of real estate transactions: Preparation of payment documentation for real estate transactions
    • [2]
      Transactions associated with remuneration, charges, contract fees, or compensation payments: Preparation of payment documentation for remuneration, charges, contract fees, or compensation payments
    • [3]
      Other activities associated with (1) and (2) above
  • (3)
    In addition to being published on the company's website and in disclosure and other documents, these purposes of use are stated when information is collected from individuals via forms and similar.

(1) Purpose of using personal information for employment management

Personal information (including personal information about family members) collected and held by the company in association with the establishment and administration of employment or other work contracts for company activities, or contracts for the outsourcing of company activities (including management of employment, work contract, or outsourcing contracts after contract expiry), will only be used to the extent necessary for the following purposes, and not for any other purpose.

  • For the management of employment or contract work to the extent necessary for human resources and labor management, education and training, administration, welfare and remuneration calculations, and other corporate administration (including management tasks after contract expiry)
  • Management of employees (including former employees) to the extent necessary for corporate administration
  • Contract administration and documentation and provision of insurance and other products and services of affiliated and partner companies
  • Information sharing, operational management, and other ancillary activities associated with the company's business

Personal information will only be used to the extent necessary for the following corporate administration activities, and will not be used for any other reason, even with the individual's consent. Here, personal information (including personal information about family members) includes personal identification numbers collected and held by the company in association with the establishment and administration of employment or other work contracts for company activities, or contracts for the outsourcing of company activities (including management of employment, work contract, or outsourcing contracts after contract expiry).

  • Remuneration or other payments: Preparation of withholding and payment documentation
  • Employment insurance: Administration of employment insurance
  • Health insurance and pension: Administration of health insurance and pension documentation
  • Worker accident compensation insurance: Administration of worker accident compensation insurance claims
  • Spouse is covered by section three of national pension: Administration of documentation relating to section three of national pension
  • Shareholder: Preparation and submission of legal documents for financial product transactions associated with being a shareholder
  • Wealth, home ownership or retirement savings: Administration of wealth, home ownership or retirement savings documentation
  • Employee savings plan: Administration of employee savings plan documentation
  • Other activities associated with above

Handling of confidential (sensitive) information

Confidential and sensitive information such as treatment under health insurance will not be used for any purpose other than ensuring that administration is handled correctly and for other purposes deemed necessary.

2. Types of personal information collected and held

Personal information collected and held by the company will be limited to information required to achieve the above purposes, including name, address, date of birth, gender, job, and identification number.

3. How personal information is collected

The collection of investor personal information will be undertaken by appropriate means that comply with laws on the protection of personal information, use of identification numbers, and other relevant statutes.

Examples of how personal information is obtained

4. Provision of investor personal information

  • (1)
    The company will not release investor personal information to any third party except in the following circumstances
    • [1]
      If the individual gives consent
    • [2]
      If done in accordance with the law
    • [3]
      If deemed to be shared use under the personal information protection law
    • [4]
      When outsourcing is used, in which case only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use
    • [5]
      Other cases when release is permitted under the personal information protection law
  • (2)
    Notwithstanding the above section, the company will not release personal information except where permitted by the law on use of identification numbers.

(1) Sharing of information with group companies

Dai-ichi Life Holdings, and its subsidiaries (hereafter, "Dai-ichi Life Group"), shall share the use of personal information in the following manner, for the purpose of administration of the group and risk management, as well as for developing and supplying a variety of products and services with greater added value.

Items of personal information that are shared

  • (i)
    Names, addresses, and number of shares owned by shareholders of Dai-ichi Life Holdings, and other information about Dai-ichi Life Holdings shareholders as required to achieve the following purposes.
  • (ii)
    Customer information held by the Dai-ichi Life Group including name, address, date of birth, gender, telephone number, and other contract details provided on application forms, payment status of insurance premiums or benefits, and so on, plus other information on individuals as required to achieve the following purposes.

Scope of Shared Use

Dai-ichi Life Holdings and its subsidiaries (group companies)
Click here for details of group companies:

Purpose of Shared Use

Shareholder personal information under (i)
  • (1)
    Contacting shareholders of Dai-ichi Life Holdings, providing various types of information, and keeping in touch with shareholders.
  • (2)
    Other operations involved in or accessory to the above.
Customer personal information under (ii)
  • (1)
    Business administration, all types of risk management, operations incidental to such, and compliance with all laws and regulations.
  • (2)
    Initiating and maintaining various types of transactions (including acceptance, continuance, and maintenance of various types of insurance contracts, and payment of insurance or benefits, and so on). *1
  • (3)
    Providing and administration of information concerning the operations of the Dai-ichi Life Group, ensuring a full range of products and services.
  • (4)
    Describing and providing the various types of products and services supplied by the Dai-ichi Life Group. *1
  • (5)
    Other operations involved in or accessory to the above.

Person(s) Responsible for Managing Personal Information

  • All users who handle said personal information. *2

Items of Personal Information that are Shared

The names, addresses, dates of birth, gender, telephone numbers, and other information on individuals known or suspected to be members of antisocial forces, as required to achieve the following purposes.

Scope of Shared Use

Dai-ichi Life Holdings and its subsidiaries (group companies)
Click here for details of group companies:

Purpose of Shared Use

  • (1)
    Business administration, all types of risk management, operations incidental to such, and compliance with all laws and regulations.
  • (2)
    Identification of antisocial forces for the purpose of initiating and maintaining various types of transactions (including acceptance, continuance, and maintenance of various types of insurance contracts, and payment of insurance or benefits, and so on).

Person(s) Responsible for Managing Personal Information

  • All users who handle said personal information. *2
  • *1
    This includes analyzing customer transaction history, website browsing history, information obtained from group companies, etc., and delivering advertisements, etc. related to various products and services that meet customers' needs.
  • *2
    Overview of the Company (including the name of its representative) and the contact point for inquiries are as follows. For other Dai-ichi Life Group companies, please refer to the website of the respective company.

5. Protection of personal information

The company strives to maintain accurate and up-to-date personal information, and implements and where appropriate revises organizational, personnel, physical, and technological measures for security management to ensure the protection of this information. The company also has a Group Compliance Committee that deals with the protection of investor personal information to ensure that information is handled appropriately.

In accordance with the Information Assets Protection and Management Policy for the Dai-ichi Life Group, we will appropriately protect and manage personal information.
We strive to maintain accurate and up-to-date personal information that we hold. We take organizational, personnel, physical and technical security measures to protect personal information, and review these measures as necessary. At our company, the chairperson of the Group Compliance Committee is the overall manager in charge of the protection and management of information assets related to all group businesses. The Group Compliance Committee (Secretariat: Legal & Compliance Unit), which is a subordinate body of the Board of Directors, promotes the proper management of information related to all Group businesses. In addition, under the control of the Group Compliance Committee, we are taking steps to protect personal information, and we report to the Board of Directors and other bodies as appropriate. Personal data for which security control measures are taken includes personal information that is scheduled to be handled as personal data.

  • (1)
    In order to ensure the proper handling of personal information, we have established and published a personal information protection policy. We have also developed internal regulations that stipulate the handling methods for each stage of the process, such as acquisition and input, use and processing, storage and preservation, transfer and transmission, and disposal and deletion, in relation to the safe management of personal data.
  • (2)
    We have established rules in our employment regulations regarding the confidentiality of personal data and the penalties for violations, and we provide regular training to all employees on the precautions for handling personal data and on safety measures.
  • (3)
    We control access to and the items brought into areas where personal data is handled, and we also implement measures to prevent the loss or theft of equipment and electronic media that handle information.
  • (4)
    We strive to minimize data retention by setting access restrictions and managing personal data appropriately, deleting it when it is no longer necessary for business purposes, etc.
  • (5)
    We prevent information leaks by taking security measures such as installing firewalls to prevent unauthorized access from outside the company, restricting data access within the company, and logging and encrypting data transfers.

Click here for information about our cyber security measures.

  • (6)
    We ensure that appropriate information handling rules are followed by regularly inspecting compliance with rules and conducting internal audits by specialist departments.
  • (7)
    When outsourcing the handling of personal data (including re-outsourcing), we select appropriate contractors and enter into contracts with them to ensure that they take the same safety control measures that we take, and we conduct regular monitoring and other appropriate supervision to ensure that personal data is managed safely by the contractor.
  • (8)
    We have appointed a person or persons responsible for the handling of personal data, and have established a reporting and communication system for such persons in the event that any facts or indications of a violation of laws or regulations are discovered.
  • (9)
    We have established a reporting system for cases where there has been a leak, loss, or damage of personal data, or where there is a risk of such an event occurring, and we strive to conduct a prompt investigation and prevent further damage.
  • (10)
    When providing personal data to a third party located in a foreign country, we take the necessary measures to ensure that the personal data is managed safely at the receiving party, such as selecting an appropriate transfer destination and clarifying the obligations and responsibilities of the receiving party in a contract.

6. Requests for details of or corrections to Retained personal data

Any requests in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or deletion of the Retained personal data will be dealt promptly subject to identity verification of the person making the request, except in cases where it would pose serious difficulties for the conduct of business.

  • *
    “Retained personal data” means personal data which the personal information handling business operator has the authority to disclose, correct, add or delete the contents ,etc.

(1) Procedure for requesting personal information

To request notification of what personal information is held by the company in accordance with the law on the protection of personal information, please apply by post or in person to the company. The company does not accept requests for the disclosure of personal information held by The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited, The Dai-ichi Frontier Life Insurance Co., Ltd., The Neo First Life Insurance Company, Limited, and their subsidiaries.
A fee set by the company will be charged for the provision of this information.
To obtain procedural details such as what documents to submit and the fee, please consult the company in accordance with our contact information for inquiries regarding personal information.

(2) Other procedures

To request other procedures in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, please consult the Company’s contact point for inquiries regarding personal information.

7. Revisions to policies for the protection of personal information

To ensure the appropriate protection of personal information, these policies are subject to revision in accordance with changing circumstances.

Inquiries regarding handling of investor personal information

Please use the contact details below if you have any inquiries or requests regarding the handling of investor personal information.

Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.

03-3216-1222 (main switchboard)

9:00 to 17:00, excluding weekends and New Year and other public holidays

(1) Creation of anonymized data

When creating anonymized data, Dai-ichi Life Holdings applies the following;

  • (1)
    Apply proper processing methods according to the standards stipulated by laws and regulations
  • (2)
    Apply safety control measures to prevent leakage of personal information and information on methods of processing anonymization, in accordance with the standards stipulated by laws and regulations
  • (3)
    Disclose what information is included in the anonymized data
  • (4)
    Do not perform acts to identify the individual in regards to the personal information used for creation of anonymized data

Anonymized data is personal information rendered anonymous through measures stipulated by laws and regulations so the data subject is not or no longer able to relate to a specific individual.

(2) Provision of anonymized data

When providing anonymized data to a third party, Dai-ichi Life Holdings discloses what information of the individuals is included in the anonymized data to be provided, and how the data will be provided. At the same time, Dai-ichi Life Holdings clearly specifies to the third party that the information to be provided is anonymized data.

For details of what information is included in the anonymized data created by Dai-ichi Life Holdings, what information is included in the anonymized data provided from Dai-ichi Life Holdings to third parties, and methods of provision to third parties, please see here.