
Medium-Term Management Plan

The new medium-term management plan, which started in FY2024, was developed in recognition of the challenges faced up to the previous medium-term management plan and changes in the external environment. Through the plan, we aim to become No. 1 in Japan in the four areas of customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, innovation in products and services, and corporate value by FY2030, thereby becoming a global top-tier insurance group and a leader shaping the future of the Japanese insurance industry. The plan was formulated by backcasting the necessary actions to be taken over the next three years to reach these goals. In addition, we will realize the Group's Purpose through working on the Core Materiality areas that our group has set as priority issues.

Full Picture of the Plan

Vision for FY2030

Vision for FY2026

KPI Targets
KPI item FY2026 FY2030
ROEV ca. 8% in the medium to long term
Value of new
Set for each
fiscal year
Adjusted ROE
ca. 10%
Consistently exceeding 10%
Adjusted profit ¥400bn ¥600bn
Cost of capital 8% Consistently below 8%
Relative TSR
(vs. 14 peers)
Relative advantage
KPI item FY2026 FY2030
Number of customers Domestic: ca. 15mn
Overseas: ca. 45mn
ESG composite indices Industry-leading evaluation scores in Japan -
Overview of the Plan

Realize our Vision for FY2026 by organically circulating our four businesses with enhancement of the financial and capital strategy and the management foundation.

Business Strategy

  • Protection Business (Japan)
  • Retirement, Savings and Asset Management Business
  • International Life Insurance Business
  • New Fields of Business

Financial and Capital Strategy

Management Foundation (Governance/Human Resources/IT & Digital)

External Environment
Rapid evolution of digital technology, including implementation of generative AI
Increased geopolitical risk/uncertainty
Accelerating decline in the birth rate and aging of population
Further acceleration of diversification and segmentation of values
A world with rising interest rates and inflation
Increasing demand for capital efficiency and corporate value
Growing asset formation needs
Trends in emphasizing sustainability

Overview of the Plan

We will realize our Vision for FY2026 by organically circulating our four businesses with enhancement of the financial and capital strategy and the management foundation.

Protection Business (Japan)

Protection Business (Japan)

Create value in which customers pursue value propositions in both protection and asset formation/succession and by improving channel productivity

  • Review the issues and needs of each customer segment, and implement value propositions based on protection and asset formation/succession while expanding product lineups that focus on the issues.
  • Aim to return Dai-ichi Life to pre-pandemic levels of new business performance through the integration of real and digital channels.

International Life Insurance Business

International Life Insurance Business

Aim for adjusted profit of ¥160bn (40% of Group adjusted profit) in FY2026 through growth in existing businesses and inorganic growth through M&As

  • At Protective Life, expand capital efficiency and profits by expanding sales of insurance and annuity products, making new acquisitions, and strengthening asset management capabilities.
  • Strengthen the foundation in markets where both high growth and profit contribution are expected, such as India, and expand into regions where we have not yet made inroads.

Retirement, Savings and Asset Management Business

Retirement, Savings and Asset Management Business

Develop resources for business expansion, and in the asset management business, strengthen the Group's asset management functions and product competitiveness as well as grow the capital-light fee business

  • At Dai-ichi Life, establish a sales structure including expansion of asset formation, succession, and inheritance advisors.
  • At Dai-ichi Frontier Life, increase assets under management by improving product competitiveness and investment capabilities.
  • Secure a competitive advantage in the insurance business through investment in asset management companies and expand revenue sources in the capital-light fee business.

New Fields of Business

New Fields of Business

Building an ecosystem centered on Benefit Station based on the steady implementation of PMI

  • Create synergies aligned with a short-, medium-, and long-term timeline, such as expanding the customer base through synergies with Dai-ichi Life, developing and expanding sales of unique insurance products, providing health and medical services, and fostering collaboration in overseas operations.
  • Expand non-insurance areas (including the asset management business), aiming to grow to account for 10% of Group adjusted profit in FY2030.

Financial and Capital Strategy

Financial and Capital Strategy

Promote capital circulation management, reduce the cost of capital by reducing market risks beyond the levels of the previous mid-term management plan, and achieve attractive shareholder returns

  • Reduce domestic equity by ¥1.2tn over three years, and if the market value rises further, flexibly scale up sales volume to ensure equity risk reduction.
  • Maintain the level of total shareholder payouts until achieving capital efficiency that consistently exceeds the cost of capital, raise the dividend payout ratio to 40%, and newly determine the introduction of an interim dividend.

Management Foundation (Governance/Human Resources/IT & Digital)

Management Foundation (Governance/Human Resources/IT & Digital)

Strengthen governance to clarify responsibility and authority, and to improve operational efficiency

Develop and acquire human resources to support the management foundation by proactively investing resources in human capital

Expand the customer base and improve productivity by providing technologies that align with each business strategy

  • Achieve high transparency in business promotion and cross-Group functions, through a matrix-type corporate governance structure of business lines and functional lines.
  • Promote transformation in human resources both in Japan and overseas, aiming for the optimal allocation of resources, by positioning “Group HR governance,” “Personnel systems and compensation systems,” “Talent acquisition and talent development,” and “Opportunities for success” as the four pillars of the human resources strategy.
  • Internalize digital organizational capabilities and strengthen Group capabilities through the use of the Global Capability Centre and the transformation of the internal systems company. In addition, transform to data-driven sales activities through the centralization of domestic customer information.

Dai-ichi Life Group
Medium-Term Management Plan

Launch of the Dai-ichi Life Group Medium-Term Management Plan covering fiscal years 2024 to 2026 and Revision of the Group Principles