Diversity and Inclusion

By respecting each other,
learning from each other, growing together,
we will realize
new value creation
through the steps of
70,000 employees.

Sumie Watanabe
Executive Officer
Human Resources Unit

The Dai-ichi Life Group must also have diverse talents and capable organization to anticipate diversifying customer values and needs as well as various local challenges in order to deliver products and services that truly delight customers and contribute to local communities. In this sense, the Group promotes diversity and inclusion with the objective to improve job satisfaction of each employee. Thus, implementing systems and work-style reforms that enable diverse work styles to be integrated with corporate culture and working environment to allow every single employee to utilize his/her unique individuality and to contribute in his/her own way in a good health and vitality.
Every single employee will benefit from work-style reform, human capital development, and promotion of diversity and inclusion and make them part of their daily work with respect for others. A single step of progress of an individual employee could be relatively small, but the steps forward of 70,000 employees can create an impact that leads to innovation and new value creation.
"Respecting each other, learning from each other, growing together"
Going forward, we will aim to be a global insurance group that continues to be chosen in Japan and globally while diverse individualities of our employees shine through the entire Dai-ichi Life Group to achieve value-creating synergies.


Global Diversity

Developing Global Human Capital and Accelerating Group Synergies

The Group has strengthened the development of global human capital with various initiatives, including capacity development through the Global Human Capital Development Programs and the intake of foreign students to secure and develop highly competitive human capital from a global perspective. In addition, we regularly hold conferences and training where overseas Group companies come together to engage in level- and function-specific networking and share best practices with the aim to create Group-wide synergies.

  • Global Human Capital Development Programs

    figure : Global Human Capital Development Programs

Promoting the Achievements of Female Employees

Creating a Workplace Environment and Developing Human Capital
to Allow Employees to Achieve their Full Potential

The Group promotes initiatives based on three main themes, which are "transforming awareness and culture," "enhancing skill development," and "promoting work-life balance." The Group makes particular efforts to develop next-generation female leaders and strives to transform the awareness of female management candidates through the direct involvement of executives in development and the provision of female role models in senior positions. Going forward, we have established a target to increase the percentage of female employees in managerial positions to "more than 25% of all managerial positions during the term of the Medium-term Management Plan" and to "30% by the 2020s," and we will continue to promote development and establishment of female leaders.

  • Training and Development System
    for Next-generation Female Leaders

    figure : Training and Development System for Next-generation Female Leaders

    * Total for the Company, including three domestic life insurance companies (Dai-ichi Life, Dai-ichi Frontier Life, and Neo First Life)


Promoting Active Participation of Employees with Disabilities

Achieving Normalization

The Group proactively employs people with disabilities and create a comfortable working environment for them. The Group employs 965 people with disabilities nationwide.
(As of June 2018, employees with disabilities make 2.2% of our total workforce.)

  • Certified 'Company Empowering the Disabled' (Dai-ichi Life Challenged) (2017)

    Certified "Company Empowering the Disabled"
    (Dai-ichi Life Challenged) (2017)

Certified "Company Empowering the Disabled" (Dai-ichi Life Challenged) (2017)

Promoting LGBT Understanding

LGBT Friendly

In addition to clearly laying out respect for basic human rights in the Dai-ichi Life Human Rights Declaration, we push forward initiatives aimed at becoming an LGBT-friendly company, including promoting employee understanding through training and seminars and expanding eligibility for benefits like paid leaves and accommodation allowance.

  • Top Gold Rating on PRIDE Index Evaluation of LGBT Initiatives (2017)

    Top Gold Rating on PRIDE Index Evaluation
    of LGBT Initiatives (2017)

Top Gold Rating on PRIDE Index Evaluation of LGBT Initiatives (2017)

Promoting Active Participation by Older Employees

Long-standing Experience and Skills Are Assets for Company

The Group has created systems targeting not only those who are currently employed but also employees after retirement age to allow motivated and capable human capital with experience and skills developed over many years to actively contribute. As part of our career support system for middle-aged and older employees and assistance with post-retirement re-employment, the Group has also established a support program (Master Challenge Program) to enhance experience and skills prior to retirement age leading to smooth re-employment following retirement.

Employees' Quality of Life

Promoting Work-Life Balance

At the Dai-ichi Life Group, the two main pillars to promote initiatives are our Family-Friendly System (measures to support work-life balance) and work-style reform. In addition to encouraging strategic utilization of measures to support the balance between work and private affairs and promoting teleworking, we are striving to enhance awareness of diverse work styles through the implementation of training like training on unconscious bias for managers as well as other measures.

  • Health & Productivity Stock Selection (2015)
  • Platinum 'Kurumin' certification (2015)
  • Health & Productivity Stock Selection (2015) /
    Platinum "Kurumin" certification (2015)

Health & Productivity Stock Selection (2015) / Platinum "Kurumin" certification (2015)

  • 5. Gender equality

    of women

  • 8. Decent work and economic growth

    Protect rights
    of workers